Balance refund

Refund of remaining balance for students

Residual funds are automatically refunded 6 months after the expiration date. In order to transfer the remaining balance, the IBAN of the account to which the money is to be transferred must be entered on The address known to your bank must be identical to the one registered at the university (otherwise the bank will refuse the transfer).

Only balances of at least 25 CHF will be refunded. Tip: If the balance is less than 25 CHF, add funds via Secanda so that the balance is 25 CHF or more. During the refund, the entire amount of the remaining balance will then be transferred back.

To receive your funds back ahead of your departure from the university, please create a request at the ServiceDesk of ITS.

Refund of remaining balance External and UZB employees

Remaining credits are automatically refunded 3 months after reaching the validity end date. In order to be able to transfer the remaining credit, the IBAN of the account to which the remaining credit is to be transferred must be registered with us using the"External refund" form. The form must be filled in completely and sent to

Only balances of at least 25 CHF will be refunded. Tip: If the balance is less than 25 CHF, add funds via Secanda so that the balance is 25 CHF or more. During the refund, the entire amount of the remaining balance will then be transferred back.

To receive your funds back ahead of your departure from the university, please create a request at the ServiceDesk of ITS.

Refunds of the remaining balance for employees

Residual credits are automatically refunded 6 months after reaching the validity end date. Residual credits are automatically transferred to the payroll account known to HR.

To receive your funds back ahead of your departure from the university, please create a request at the ServiceDesk of ITS.