Activating / Updating the UNIcard

The UNIcard is valid for the entire length of study at the University of Basel. Before first use, the UNIcard has to be activated once via one of the designated UNIcard stations. The UNIcard can be updated every semester via one of the designated UNIcard stations. In order to do this, the semester registration must have been completed and the tuition fees paid.

New semester validity information can be printed each semester from 2 February (spring semester) and from 2 August (fall semester) on by updating the UNIcard on one of the UNIcard stations. For a valid UNIcard during semester pause, the validity date is extended with additional 60 days after the academic semester closing (31.1., 31.7.). The  personal details on the card remain valid even if the student changes the degree program, transfers from bachelor to master’s studies or from master’s studies to a doctoral program, or takes a leave of absence.

Unlocking the UNIcard

Please contact the ITS ServiceDesk if you have blocked your UNIcard yourself via, or if your UNIcard has been deactivated due to an expired employment contract:

Service Desk

Spitalstrasse 41, 3. OG
CH-4056 Basel
Tel. +41 61 207 14 11

Standorte UNIcard Stationen

DBE AllschwilHegenheimermattweg 167b2.OGLernraum / Nur für Angehörige DBE mit ZUKO Rechten
DBM Mattenstrasse 28EGFoyer Eingang
DMISpiegelgasse 1EGFoyer Eingang
DSBG MünchensteinGrosse Allee 6EGWindfang
Jacob Burckhardt HausPeter Merian-Weg 6EGFoyer Eingang
KollegienhausPetersplatz 1EGFoyer Haupteingang
UniversitätsbibliothekSchönbeinstrasse 18-201. OGFoyer Ausgabe
BiozentrumSpitalstrasse 411.UGCafeteria neben Lift
PharmazentrumKlingelbergstrasse 50EGFoyer Haupteingang