Installation macOS - Detail Instructions


  • The device is connected to the network of the University of Basel (internal university network address via LAN or Wi-Fi and VPN)
  • Administrator permissions are required
  • Username and password of your unibas-account must be known (e.g. unibasel\musterh)
  • The operating system must be currently supported by Apple. To update a macOS device, follow these instructions: Link

Step 1


Install the latest PostScript printer driver from Canon for your operating system by downloading it from the official website: Link

Step 2

macOS settings window where the section printers & scanners is marked.
macOS settings window of the section printers & scanners where the button "Add Printer, Scanner or Fax..." is marked.

Select the section "Printer & Scanner"











Select "Add Printer, Scanner or Fax..."

Step 3

Open window with the title "Add Printer". The toolbar is selected via right click and the option "Customise Toolbar..." is marked.
window showing the options to customise the toolbar. The option "Advanced" is marked.
In the Advanced section of the "Add Printer" window is the Type "Windows printer via spools" marked

Right mouse click in the symbol bar - Customize symbol bar







Use the left mouse button to move "Advanced" to the "Toolbox" and close the box.





Select "Advanced" and select the Type "Windows printer via spoolss".




Step 4

The "Add printer" window where the "Select Software..." driver option is selected.
Search window for Printer Software. Canon IR-ADV C5235/5240 PS is selected
"Add Printer" window with all the information put in. The "Add" button is marked

Complete the URL path with smb://

Enter the name

In Use, select "Select software...".






Search in the upper search field for "Canon iR-ADV 5235/5240 PS" and select the corresponding driver






Select "Add"
The printer will now be installed

Step 5


This example shows how to print for the first time in Microsoft Word.

Choose the printer: "


Enter username and password.

The username must be entered in this format:

Save the password to the keychain. 


The password will be stored in the keychain. You need to change the password of your university account once every year and the stored password won't be valid anymore. Printing won't be possible after a password change.

Delete the entry in the keychain after a password change. After deleting the keychain entry the system will ask you for your new password.

Step 6


Deleting an entry in the keychain

  1. Administrator rights might be needed on the device.
  2. Search for "Keychain" using Spotlight.
  3. Open the Keychain
  4.  Use the searchbar in the top right corner and search for «its-uprint». Start the search by pressing Enter.
  5. Select all found entries.
  6. Delete all selected entries by pressing the «Delete» key or using «Edit» -> «Delete».